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The Norfolk Islander
Norfolk Island's Community Newspaper since 1965
Nadia Lozzi-Cuthbertson
Brenda Irene Ann Bates
John McPhail
Margaret Jowett
Norma Joyce Van Teeffelen nee Chapman
Richard John Deadman
James Wallace Garland Bsc (M) Psc, Qfi
Graham Ryall
Michael Lindsay Sanders Dussa
Julie-Anne Menzies
Ian Anderson
Doctor Michael Sexton
Peter Christian
John Edward OBrien
Noeline Glenny
Judith and Bernard Lee
Geraldine Anne Hall
Lynette Rae Mason
Patricia Frances Conaghan
Anona Buffett-Cooper
Robert George Templeton
Norma June Judd
Gaye Sheree Buffett Pip
Andrea Hansen
Rob Foote
Vern Alston
Ralph Leonard Ellis Holloway
Leslie Elaine Kate Edward
Glenn Christopher Blucher
Phyllis Joyce Parker
Michelle Therese Hayes
Bene Esterman
Joanne Lisa Fraser
Patricia Mary Ritchie
Jude Eric Charles Wakefield
Robert Victor Johannes Varman
Ronald Ernest Williams
Robert Stanley Little
Margaret 'Maggie' Bergagnin
Peter John Summerscales
Lisbeth Gow
Rear Admiral John Davidson Ao Ran (Retd)
Peter 'Pumpkin' Knapton
Mera Patricia Edith Martin
Kaye Sandra Quintal Harvey
Duncan Sanderson
Shirley Olive Summerscales
Paul Anthony Menghetti Jap
Shannon Salt
Kenneth Lunn
Eileen Annette Richards
Margaret June Goodwin
William Alexander Adams
Janice Lyn Christian
Eric Nelson Craig MBE
Helen Reddy
Trevor Ernest Friend
Moira Robinson
William Ormond Harry Judd Orm
Bernard Edwin Christian-Bailey
June Anona Richards
Vera Knapton
John Fraser
Don Lawlor
Patirck George Shiels
Arthur Laurence Bigg
Richard Walter Snell
Thomas Raymond Lewis
Dudley Rowland Hudson
Róisín Marie Richards
Mark James Sanders
Shirley Dawn Reid
Patricia Christian Magri
Arthur Baysting
Gabrielle Camille Beaumont
Eunice Mary Mackenzie
Roland Kinnear
Nola Iona Warren
Kalvin Dean Buffeft
Aunty Puttie
James Gary Robertson
Robert Tofts
Chris Dunsmere Pedel
Thornton Edgar Yager
Franklin Ernest Randall
Paddy Cavill
Enid Hetty Plant
Cushla Mary Lewis
Graham Robert Bull
Maori Tom
David Parsons
David Sinclair South
Peter Julian Beaumont
Monica Smith
Adrian George Kingston Cook
Allen Hutchinson Part / Partridge
Nicholas Andrew
Jack Talbot
Helen Payne
William Herbert Sanders
Mary Elizabeth Horrocks
'Puss' Anderson
Audrey Pearl Robinson
Peter John Connolly
Ian Hamilton McCowan
Marie Louise Freshwater
Don Taylor
Lorraine Foster
Richard Gray
Garry Holland
Joyce Irene Adams
Doreen (Nobbs) Hall
Helen Victoria Sampson
Brian 'Baz' Vercoe
Jacqui Alston
Jean Snell
Aden Wickes
Joan Kenny
Lorna Grace Ruka
Diane Rae Goldstone
Bob Green
Commander Ashley Greedy
David Keppie
Edith Mack
Foxy McCoy
Fred Landesmann
Frederick Paul Edward
Jindaporn Trakulsri
Joseph Christian 'Sparks'
John Charles Buffett
John Eden
John Henry Bergagnin
John Pearson
Julie Garland
Kyle May
Leo Nola
Marie Bailey
Mike Quantrill
Odette Ombler
Rev. Barry Marsh
Ross Ray QC
Agnes Jean Knightly
Bill Lillico
Bonnie Quintal
Colleen McCullough
Doreen Lillico
Douglas Clarke
Edna Grube
Ellen Jack
Francis Christian
Geoff Cowap
Graham Forsyth
Greggie Quintal
Gwen Bergagnin
Helen Webb
Hilton Quintal
Horace Evans
Jilly Olsson
John Menzies
Leo O'Sullivan
Leslie Nobbs
Marie Beadman
Mervyn Webb
Shelley Buffett
Stan Harris
Thelma Spencer
Alice Inez Buffett OAM
Aileen Mavoura Kelly
Angela Guymer
Arthur Robert Maxwell
Beth Quintal
Chris Adams
Dawn Valerie Chapman
Dolly Christian
Dyann Fay FitzPatrick
Edmund Terry Lethal OAM
Frank Alfred Rapley Watson
Irene Basham
John Reginald Lorking
Keith Millard Bishop
Ken Nobbs 'Plunny'
Lorna Amelia Christian
Maeve Millicent Hitch
Margery Jill McDowell
Rev. Bruce Westbrook
Sheila Grimshaw
Sheila Mary Grimshaw
Uncle Tom
Vanessa Magri
William Arthur Blucher AM
Serving the Norfolk Island Community since 1965
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