Finished size: A4
Two (2) columns of 85mm (w) x 270mm (d)
Full page: 175mm (w) x 270 (d)
Advertisment sizes:
Full page: 175mm (w) x 270mm (d)
Half Page: 85mm (w) x 270mm (d) or 175mm (w) x 135mm (d)
Quarter Page: 85mm (w) x 135mm (d) or 175mm (w) x 67mm (d)
Other sizes by arrangement
Open Rate:
Full Page: $130.00
Half Page: $85.00
Quarter Page: $60.00
Banner : $35.00
Pre-printed Insert Open Rate:
$150 per insertion (loose, unstapled)
$100 per insertion (machine collated, stapled)
Classified Rate:
From $12.00.
The Norfolk Islander has programme discounts for both size and frequency.
To send us content:
We are able to meet all your advertising needs whether you wish to design and set your advertisements yourself or by our staff.
Prepared artwork needs to be sent by high quality pdf files.
Articles should be sent as microsoft word files.
Lineart needs to be 300dpi or greater.
Photographs should be a minimum of 144dpi.
Weekly Circulation
Island based circulation: 1130
Mail: 110
Average Yearly Distribution: